Meaford Hall & Culture Foundation was happy to support the Blueprint Project, a visual art expression program that was free for Meaford families dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The art program offers a unique opportunity for children with ASD to be less literal and concrete in self-expression; and it offers a non-threatening way to deal with processing emotions. The concrete visual characteristics of art help the children to relax and enjoy themselves while they are learning social skills in a controlled environment.
Autism Ontario Grey Bruce declared the eight week project a success. It included individuals with ASD in six families and resulted in a positive, even profound, impact. The works created were beautiful, and the mothers of those with ASD were so grateful for the opportunity that they each will share their experience with the community. Jennifer Miller, chapter president said, “We are so appreciative of your support and on behalf of the families dealing with ASD, please thank your Board for their commitment to bridge the gap between art, community and those facing challenges every day”.