This year marks the 15th Anniversary of the Meaford Culture Foundation (MCF), a not-for-profit independent charitable organization, staffed by volunteers devoted to the preservation and advancement of arts and culture in our community.
Through this pandemic, many of us have come to appreciate the value of arts and culture as a way to connect with our community, as a positive creative outlet, or simply as a brief escape from reality. But, while the need for enriching cultural experiences has risen during the pandemic, funding for such activities has fallen. So, the MCF is now calling for sponsors for this year’s online auction fundraising event. Donations of any variety of goods or services are welcome.
Where does the MCF’s fundraising money go? Well, firstly, because the organization is run by a volunteer Board of Directors, over 98% of all funds raised directly benefit our community. Every year (even in spite of pandemic restrictions), the MCF funds capital improvements to Meaford Hall, as well as various Community Outreach programs.
This past year alone, the MCF committed $65,000 to fund various capital acquisitions at Meaford Hall, including a new film projector, screen, hearing assist software, and new outdoor digital screen. The MCF also funded several local community arts and culture activities through its Community Outreach program, including fee subsidies for the Meaford Singing Strings after-school music program, as well as various Municipal summer arts camps for youth. Finally, the MCF created a new $1,000 scholarship for graduating Meaford students pursuing post-secondary studies in the arts.
The Meaford Culture Foundation relies almost exclusively on the generous support of its patrons, donors, and those who simply embrace and support community arts and culture. In addition to the very popular Meaford International Film Festival (MIFF) held annually over Labour Day weekend, the Foundation holds an annual silent auction, which will be held online this year during the last two weeks of November – perfect timing for holiday shopping.
The success of this auction is vital to MCF’s fundraising efforts and to the various community outreach initiatives that depend upon it.
To make a donation to the Meaford Culture Foundation online auction, contact us today.
To pre-register to bid at the auction, visit