On Thursday April 25th the Meaford Culture Foundation graciously funded a free showing for children and youth for the Municipality of Meaford’s Earth Week celebrations. This is the 4th year for this event. The 2010 version of Dr. Seuss’ “The Lorax” was chosen as a more age appropriate film for a younger audience.
“The Lorax” was shown twice. The 10:00 am showing was full at 331 seats with two Grade 7 classes from GBCS and the rest was of the seats were filled up by Grades 2 & 3’s from SVE. At 1:00 pm Grades 4-6 from GBCS filled 155 seats. For a total of 486 students.
We received positive feedback from the teachers, as they felt “The Lorax” was more age appropriate for younger grades.
The Earth Week committee would like to thank the Meaford Culture Foundation for supporting this initiative again, and hope the children were able to take some key messages about environmental preservation out of the film.
Emma Smith
Recreation Services Coordinator Municipality of Meaford