Meaford Hall & Culture Foundation was able to provide complimentary tickets for 240 students so that they could experience live theatre.
For most it was a first. There were lots of “wow” and “I can’t believe I’m here” coming from the audience. We extended the invitation to parents who home school their children and the response was a positive one. So many children who wouldn’t normally have this opportunity have now been exposed to the arts. -Who knows where this will take them? The Foundation has received “thank you” s from many students!
Mistatim is a coming of age story about the truest of friendships. Attendees experience drama, suspense and humour in this action-packed performance fusing theatre, dance, storytelling, visuals and music with a story that celebrates the transformative power of the natural world. Red SkyTheatre is Canada’s leading company of world Indigenous performance and is internationally renowned for its artistry and innovation .